Today, Sunday August 15, 2021, representatives of the various regional administrations concerned attended

بلاغ إتمام عملية إسناد المساكن الإجتماعية

بلاغ إتمام عملية إسناد المساكن الإجتماعية المنجزة في إطار البرنامج الخصوصي للسكن الإجتماعي بولاية المنستير في جزئه المتكون من عدد 11 مسكن فردي بمعتمدية جمال و عدد 65 مسكن جماعي بمعتمدية الساحلين

بقية التفاصيل

Today, Sunday August 15, 2021, representatives of the various regional administrations concerned attended

On the occasion of the National Intensive Vaccination Day Scheduled for Sunday August 15, 2021 for the age group between 18 and 39 years old, the wilaya of Monastir is setting up Numbers (73428185 - 73428186 - 7875 8010) They can be contacted for inquire about any information related to the intensive immunization day, and a regional operating room will be established in which representatives of all departments and interventions will participate to ensure the speed and effectiveness of the intervention in all its forms.