New headquarters of the regional vaccination center in Monastir

بلاغ إتمام عملية إسناد المساكن الإجتماعية

بلاغ إتمام عملية إسناد المساكن الإجتماعية المنجزة في إطار البرنامج الخصوصي للسكن الإجتماعي بولاية المنستير في جزئه المتكون من عدد 11 مسكن فردي بمعتمدية جمال و عدد 65 مسكن جماعي بمعتمدية الساحلين

بقية التفاصيل

New headquarters of the regional vaccination center in Monastir

A new headquarters for the regional vaccination center in Monastir was decided during a working session held this evening, Monday, November 15, 2021 at the state headquarters under the supervision of Mr. Regional, the transfer of the Regional Center for Immunization in Monastir

from the Regional Center for Education and Continuous Training in Monastir to the Intermediate Center and the Regional Center for University and School Medicine in the Al-Omran neighborhood of Monastir, adjacent to the Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital in Monastir, starting from Thursday, November 25, 2021. The first approved Mr. explained that the regional commission for education in Monastir and the regional center for education and continuous training in Monastir will resume the application of the training calendar and recycle at the center, and to ensure the continuation of the regional vaccination campaign in Monastir and the success of the Ministry of Education program in the field of recycling and training, it was decided to move the regional center for vaccination from the current position To the intermediate center and the regional center for university and school medicine in the Omran district of Monastir. The First Commissioner stressed the need to inspect the new headquarters to be opened as a regional vaccination center, identifying shortcomings and logistical needs, and working to provide all requirements while ensuring its self-insurance to ensure the safety of its supervisors and the safety of the arriving citizens, and with the aim of continuing the regional campaign for vaccination against the Corona virus. smoothly.