Working session on the preparation of a strategic study for the development of Monastir State in 2040

As part of the series of strategic studies carried out by the General Delegate for Regional Development for the authorities, Mr. Mondher Ben Sik Ali  governor of Monastir on Friday morning, 29 July 2022, ensure  a working session on the preparation of a strategic study for the development of the State of Monastir in  2040, in the presence of the State Secretary-General and the Representative of the General

the Regional Director  and mayors directors and representatives of national organizations presented a brochure of technical requirements for mission controls to study the development strategy of the State of Monastir in 2040. Mr. the governor stressed the importance of establishing a forward-looking vision for the future of regional and local development in the State within balanced and integrated development paths that improve its attractiveness and competitiveness as part of a participatory approach that achieves comprehensive and sustainable development and takes into account the balance between the economic, social and environmental spheres.